Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Lectio Divina & Taize

Service of Prayer

San Francisco Theological Seminary

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Montgomery Chapel

Colossians 3:16 “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly…”

*Come and Fill our Hearts                 (Taize)                                   
               Come and fill our hearts with your peace
               You alone, O Lord, are holy
               Come and fill our hearts with your peace
*Word of Christ                        (Andrew Dreitcer & Stephen Iverson)    
               Word of Christ, Living Word of Christ,
               Dwell within us fully,
               Find in us a home.
Introduction to Lectio Divina             
 Lectio:   Lk 3 21-22                            
     Silence: Let the Holy Spirit lift up a word, phrase, or image.
Repeat this word in your heart; dwell in it.
     Silence: How does God wish to speak to you today through this text?
Turn it over in your mind
     Silence: Rest in God's presence.
Oratio:   Prayers of the People          
     Let your prayers be guided by the work the scripture is doing
in your heart. Please end your prayers with “God in your grace”
or “God in your mercy” and the community will reply,
“Hear our prayers.”
*Take O Take Me As I Am         (Iona Community)                 
               Take, O take me as I am
               Summon out what I shall be
               Set your seal upon my heart
               And live in me

Participants in Worship

Rev. Dr. Charles Marks, Chaplain

Deborah Arca Mooney, Liturgist

Beth Liebert, Liturgist

Stephanie Croom, Musician

Leonard Nielson, Reader

Jae Guen Lee, Reader

Aric Clark, Chaplain’s Assistant


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