Saturday, October 07, 2006

Sermon's To Share!

Following the requests of several students we have been able to get the manuscript of Dr. Greg Love's awesome sermon of a few weeks ago, entitled "God Knows". For those of you who were unable to witness this giving of the Word, you can enjoy it in written form and for those of you who have heard it already - here is your chance to analyze his method and see what you can learn for your own use. Let us all thank him for his willingness to share with the community.

In the future, anytime you enjoy a sermon in chapel please feel free to request a copy of the manuscript here on the blog. Though not all preachers write manuscripts and many may not be amenable to having their material shared in this format, there are also others who appreciate being asked. Rather than attempt to establish any policy whereby the Worship Team requests manuscripts from every preacher we feel it is best that the request always be a personal request from an individual student who enjoyed the Word that day. This way we show our appreciation for their work and hopefully provide a great opportunity for us all to learn from the fantastic quality of preaching we are regularly treated with here at SFTS.



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