Tuesday, January 30, 2007

O For A Closer Walk

Morning Service

San Francisco Theological Seminary

Tuesday, January 30th, 2007

Montgomery Chapel

*Call to Worship
               Hey there! All who are thirsty, come to the water!
               Are you penniless? Come anyway – buy and eat!
               For the Spirit is calling us to worship, to worship God and be fed.
               Seek God while he’s here to be found.
               Pray to her while she’s close at hand.
               We will join our hearts in prayer and song.
               We will taste and see that the Lord is good!
*Hymn                                  O for a Closer Walk with God             
Scripture Reading:  Isaiah 54:1-10 (in Korean)
1잉태치 못하며 생산치 못한 너는 노래할찌어다 구로치 못한 너는 외쳐 노래할찌어다 홀로  여인의 자식이 남편 있는 자의 자식보다 많음이니라 여호와의 말이니라   2 장막터를 넓히며  처소의 휘장을 아끼지 말고 널리 펴되 너의 줄을 길게 하며 너의 말뚝을 견고히 할찌어다   3이는 네가 좌우로 퍼지며  자손은 열방을 얻으며 황폐한 성읍들로 사람  곳이 되게  것임이니라   4두려워 말라 네가 수치를 당치 아니하리라 놀라지 말라 네가 부끄러움을 보지 아니하리라 네가  청년 때의 수치를 잊겠고 과부 때의 치욕을 다시 기억함이 없으리니   5이는 너를 지으신 자는  남편이시라  이름은 만군의 여호와시며  구속자는 이스라엘의 거룩한 자시라  세상의 하나님이라 칭함을 받으실 것이며   6여호와께서 너를 부르시되 마치 버림을 입어 마음에 근심하는 아내  소시에 아내 되었다가 버림을 입은 자에게 함같이 하실 것임이니라  하나님의 말씀이니라   7내가 잠시 너를 버렸으나  긍휼로 너를 모을 것이요   8내가 넘치는 진노로  얼굴을 네게서 잠시 가리웠으나 영원한 자비로 너를 긍휼히 여기리라  구속자 여호와의 말이니라   9이는 노아의 홍수에 비하리로다 내가 다시는 노아의 홍수로  위에 범람치 않게 하리라 맹세한것 같이 내가 다시는 너를 노하지 아니하며 다시는 너를 책망하지 아니하기로 맹세하였노니  10산들은 떠나며 작은 산들은 옮길찌라도 나의 인자는 네게서 떠나지 아니하며 화평케 하는 나의 언약은 옮기지 아니하리라 너를 긍휼히 여기는 여호와의 말이니라 
Scripture Reading:  Isaiah 54:1-10 (from the Message)

"Sing, barren woman, who has never had a baby.
Fill the air with song, you who've never experienced childbirth!
You're ending up with far more children
than all those childbearing women." God says so!
"Clear lots of ground for your tents!
Make your tents large. Spread out! Think big!
Use plenty of rope, drive the tent pegs deep.
You're going to need lots of elbow room
for your growing family.
You're going to take over whole nations;
you're going to resettle abandoned cities.
Don't be afraid—you're not going to be embarrassed.
Don't hold back—you're not going to come up short.
You'll forget all about the humiliations of your youth,
and the indignities of being a widow will fade from memory.
For your Maker is your bridegroom,

Whose name is, God-of-the-Angel-Armies!
Your Redeemer is The Holy of Israel,
known as God of the whole earth.
You were like an abandoned wife, devastated with grief,
and God welcomed you back,
Like a woman married young
and then left," says your God.

Song Renew 243 Be Not Afraid

Your Redeemer God says:

"I left you, but only for a moment.
Now, with enormous compassion, I'm bringing you back.
In an outburst of anger I turned my back on you— but only for a moment.
It's with lasting love that I'm tenderly caring for you.

"This exile is just like the days of Noah for me:
I promised then that the waters of Noah would never again flood the earth.
I'm promising now no more anger, no more dressing you down.
For even if the mountains walk away
and the hills fall to pieces,
My love won't walk away from you,
my covenant commitment of peace won't fall apart."
The God who has compassion on you says so.

The Word of the Lord

Thanks be to God.

*Hymn Renew 249 Great Is Thy Faithfulness


Prayers of the People

Please end each prayer with the words, “God, in your mercy,” or “God, in your grace.” and the community will respond, “Hear our prayer.”

The Lord’s Prayer

Please pray in the language and style most familiar to you.

*Hymn Renew 302 Trees of the Field


Participants in Worship:

Mr. JooWon Lee, Junior

Rev. Dr. Charles Marks, Chaplain

Dr. Dan Hoggatt, Musician

Mr. Aric Clark, Chaplain’s Assistant


Call to Worship is based on Isaiah 55. The scripture reading was taken from The Message by Eugene H. Peterson, Nav Press, 2002. Hymn from the Presbyterian Hymnal, page 396.


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