Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Deep in Prayer

Morning Worship

San Francisco Theological Seminary

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Montgomery Chapel


*Call To Worship

Eternal God, you who loved us and set us free from our sins,

who loves us still with that love that will not let us go,

and who will love us forever,

you call us to worship you as the only true lover of our souls.

God stoops to receive the love of our poor hearts.

God calls us to remember the depth of God’s love for us in Christ.

God seeks our love!

Let us worship God!

*Hymn Renew #9 As the Deer

Scripture Reading Psalm 42: 1-8

As a deer seeks flowing waters,

weary from the chase,

so my soul, O God, is thirsting

to behold your face.


You command my steadfast love,

in you my soul may quiet be;

you, my rock, my help, my refuge,

set my spirit free.


Day and night I cry, my heart is breaking,

tears my only food;

while my enemies jeer and taunt me saying:

“Where is now your God?”


Why am I so sad, so troubled; why must

suffering be so long?

I will hope in you, my God and saviour,

praise you with a song.

Sung Response Renew #9(vs. 1) As the Deer

Scripture Reading Psalm 42: 1-8 (In Korean)

Sung Response Renew# 90 Spirit of the Living God

Prayers Of The People

Let us offer our petitions and praises to God. Please end your prayer with, “God, in your mercy,” or “God, in your grace,” and the community will respond, Hear our prayer.”

The Lord’s Prayer

Please pray in the language and style in which you are most comfortable.

*Hymn (attached) Why So Downcast, O My Soul?


Participants In Worship:

Mr. Nick Valedez, Liturgist

Ms. Mi Ok Kang, Liturgist

Dr. Daniel Hoggatt, Musician

Rev. Dr. Charles Marks, Chaplain

Ms. Kitty Lum, Chaplain’s Assistant


The Call to Worship was adapted from The Worship Sourcebook, Faith Alive Publications, Grand Rapids, MI, 2004.


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