Friday, March 02, 2007

Peter Preaches Attaining Resurrection

Morning Worship

San Francisco Theological Seminary

Friday, March 2nd, 2007

Montgomery Chapel


*Call to Worship

In the name of the Lord we have come,

Awaiting the living Word of God.

Women and Men, young and old, images of God.

God is wider than all our imagination ever will be.

God was before us,

God is with us,

God walks ahead of us,

Above and beyond all borders and walls built by us.

In God, we will overcome

Whatever keeps us apart.


*Hymn VU #460 All Who Hunger

Prayer of Repentance

Lord, we and our sisters and brothers throughout the world have sinned against you and have harmed our fellow human beings.

We have come with penitent hearts to ask for your forgiveness.

We have disrespected and mishandled creation, the work of your hands.

We have come with penitent hearts to ask for your forgiveness.

Our love for material things has carried us away from your love and as a result we have not loved our neighbors.

We have come with penitent hearts to ask for you forgiveness.

We have adulterated our faith with wrong values and have not worshipped you in spirit and in truth.

Lord, forgive us and lead us to genuine repentance.

Assurance of Pardon

The good news of the gospel is this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us, Christ was raised for us, Christ rules in power for us. Whoever is in Christ is a new creation. The old life has gone. A new life has begun. Through Jesus Christ our Lord we are forgiven.

Thanks be to God.

Prayer of Illumination

Scripture Reading Philippians 3:10-14

Communion Meditation “Attaining Resurrection” Mr. Peter Barnes-Davies

Sacrament of Holy Communion

Invitation to the Lord’s Table

The Great Prayer of Thanksgiving

The Lord be with you.

And also with you.

Lift up your hearts.

We lift them up to the Lord.

Let us give our thanks to the Lord.

It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Loving God, Source of all, we thank you and praise you with our lips and in our lives that, having created us, and all things, through your Word, you welcome our prayer and praise. For the goodness of creation we praise you. For the law of holiness, inviting our obedience, and the call of prophets rebuking our disobedience, we praise you. With the faithful of every time and place, we join in this hymn of praise and thanksgiving:

We gratefully recall and remember the wonder of Jesus’ incarnation, his birth as one of us, his baptism for our sin, his compassion for our suffering, his intimacy with our frailty, his rebuke of our pride, his bearing of the cross with its death, and his rising from the tomb by the power of God. According to his commands and promise of presence, we affirm the mystery of faith.

Loving God, Creative Power, blessing your name, we seek your Spirit. Come to us and bless these gifts of bread and wine that they might be for us the body and blood of Christ, a sign and seal of our forgiveness in Christ and our adoption as children of God. As we eat and drink together, make us one with Christ and one in Christ, a sign of his eternal reign in all the world. This sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving we offer to you, loving God, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God to ages of ages.

The Lord’s Prayer

Please pray in the language in which you feel most comfortable.

Words of Institution

Distribution of the Elements

Prayer after Communion


*Passing of the Peace

Participants in Worship:

Ms. Erin Musolf, Liturgist

Rev Dr. Laurie Garrett-Cobbina, Celebrant

Mr. Peter Barnes-Davies, Preacher

Rev. Dr. Charles Marks, Chaplain

Dr. Daniel Hoggatt, Musician

Mr. Aric Clark, Chaplain’s Assistant

Communion Servers:

Ms. Suzanne Crouch

Ms. Lynn Dunn

Ms. Mary Richardson

Ms. Petey Thornton

Ms. Leslie Veen


Call to Worship and Prayer of Repentance taken from “Celebrate Life” worship book for the 24th

General Council of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches.


The baskets in the narthex are for receiving the offering of the seminary community. At the end of the semester, what has been offered and collected will be donated to a local charity.


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