Monday, September 11, 2006

Opening Convocation

Order of Worship

In remembrance of the tragic attack upon our country on September 11, 2001, worshippers are asked to please enter the sanctuary in silence.

*The congregation is invited to stand , as able.

The congregation is invited to read the bold print.

The Approach to God

Welcome Dean Jana Childers

*Call to Worship

O give thanks to God for God is good,

For God’s steadfast love endures forever.

O give thanks to the God of gods,

Whose steadfast love endures forever.

O give thanks to the Sovereign of sovereigns

whose steadfast love endures forever. Psalm 136: 1-3

*Hymn of Praise

Praise the Source of Faith and Learning Sing the Faith #2004

Prayer of Confession Chaplain Charles Marks

Almighty and ever living God, You are beyond the grasp of our highest thought, but within the reach of our frailest trust: Come in the beauty of the morning’s light and reveal yourself to us. Enrich us out of the heritage of seers and scholars and saints into whose faith and labors we have entered, and quicken us to new insights for our time; that we may be possessors of the truth of many yesterdays, partakers of your thoughts for today, and creators with you of a better tomorrow; through Jesus Christ, the Lord of the ages.

The Words of Assurance

The Word of God

Prayer of Illumination Dr. Robert Coote

God our helper, by your Holy Spirit, open our minds, that as the Scriptures are read and your word is proclaimed, we may be led into your truth and taught your will, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

New Testament Reading Dr. Carol Robb

Romans 5: 1-11

The word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.

The Convocation Sermon Rev. Dr. Philip W. Butin

“A Time of Grace”

The Response to God

Litany of Commitment

Questions to the Faculty Dr. Elizabeth Liebert

Leader: Do we, the faculty of SFTS, commit ourselves to the teaching and spiritual formation of our students? Will we seek to embody and encourage the habits of mind and heart to which we have committed ourselves by being here? Will we strive to accomplish the research and writing that the Church needs for its wise governance and growth in faith?

Faculty: We do, and we will.

Questions to the Students Ms. Kitty Lum

Leader: Do we, the students of SFTS, commit ourselves to learning from, and together with, our teachers? Will we teach one another as we grow in knowledge and the life of the Spirit? Will we seek to embody and encourage in others the habits of mind and heart to which we have committed ourselves by being here?

Students: We do, and we will.

Question to the Interns Rev. Dr. H. Stanley Wood

Leader: Do you, the Interns of SFTS, welcome the internship assignments for which you have been chosen? Will you engage in these internships relying on the grace of God, trusting in Jesus Christ, alert to the leading of the Spirit, guided by the Word of God, and open to the counsel of your supervisors and shepherding committees?

Interns: We do and we will.

Questions to the Administration and Staff Rev. Peter D. Crouch

Leader: Will we, the Administration and Staff of SFTS, be partners in this seminary in the education and formation of these students, affirming their gifts and skills and supporting their continued Christian growth and development?

Administration and Staff: We will.

Questions to the Trustees Rev. Dr. Laird J. Stuart

Leader: Do you solemnly declare and promise to fulfill your responsibilities as a Trustee of the San Francisco Theological Seminary? Will you and the Board of Trustees of SFTS faithfully endeavor to promote the purpose of the Seminary and to carry into effect all the articles and provisions of its Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.

Trustees: We do, and we will.

Questions to the Alumni Rev. Scott Schaefer

Leader: Will we, the alumni and alumnae of SFTS, express our loyalty and commitment to the Seminary by maintaining a network of relationships between members of the Alumni Association and the Seminary community; and will we provide institutional support and be advocates for the Seminary to the end that God will be glorified and the Church of Jesus Christ served?

Alumni: We will.

Response Dean Jana Childers

We thank you for your willingness to be in partnership with SFTS. Be always welcome to this place in the strength of the Lord Jesus Christ! May the Holy Spirit be at work in our hearts and minds to lead us toward knowledge, virtues, skills, and actions that will make for the up-building of Christ’s Church. Amen.

A moment of silence in remembrance of the events of September 11, 2001.

Sending in God’s Name

* Hymn

God of Grace and God of Glory PH #420

*Benediction Rev. Dr. James Noel


** The Faculty will recess first.


Rev. Dr. Philip W. Butin, President of San Francisco Theological Seminary

Rev. Dr. Jana Childers, Dean of San Francisco Theological Seminary

Dr. Robert B. Coote, Professor of Old Testament

Rev. Peter D. Crouch, Vice President of Seminary and Church Relations

Dr. Daniel Hoggatt, Professor of Church Music

Dr. Elizabeth Liebert, Professor of Spiritual Life

Ms. Kitty Lum, SFTS, Senior

Rev. Dr. Eung Chun Park, Professor of New Testament

Rev. Dr. Charles Marks, San Francisco Theological Seminary Chaplain

Rev. Dr. James Noel, Professor of American Religion

Dr. Carol Robb, Professor of Christian Social Ethics

Rev. Scott Schaefer, Vice President of Finance and Administration

Rev. Dr. Laird Stuart, Chair of Board of Trustees and Pastor of Calvary Presbyterian Church, San Francisco

Rev. Dr. H. Stanley Wood, Associate Professor of Congregational Leadership and Evangelism, and Director of Integrative Studies


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