Friday, September 08, 2006

Meet Aric!

Aric Clark is a husband, a father, an adventurer, a student and a preacher - in that order. A second year M.Div student at San Francisco Theological Seminary, worship is the whole story of his call to ministry and, he believes, the root and source of his identity. He has a miraculous wife named Stacia and a rambunctious and charming son named Avery. Both were regular attendees in Chapel last year. Born in Cheyenne, Wyoming, but raised in Monterey, California - Aric and his family have been all around the globe on extraordinary adventures which led to their latest adventure, poverty. You will see Aric around campus in a variety of roles this year and he particularly looks forward to having discussions with each and every one of you about theology or worship. To get the debate started click here.


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