Morning Worship
*Please stand, as you are able.
People please read the bold.
*Call to Worship
God is here! Do you hear her?
Heavenly creator you are here and your voice surrounds us.
Christ is here! Do you recognize him?
Oh redeeming Savior you give us hope by having walked this earth.
The Spirit is here! Can you sense it?
The welcoming Spirit is amongst us every day, let us rejoice in its presence.
*Hymn VU 211 Crown Him with Many Crowns
Prayer of Confession
Heavenly creator, redeeming savior, and welcoming spirit, we confess that we have not always listened to your call, felt your presence, or known the reality of your being. We confess to having feelings of abandonment and loneliness, even though you are standing right beside us. We confess to having feelings of distress and being uncomfortable about the unknown future. We admit to not recognizing that all things happen in your time and not in ours. Oh Holy God, please help us to know that in all things are you, and that without you we are only dust.
Assurance of Pardon
To all who turn from sin in sorrow, to all who turn to God in hope, this is God’s Word of grace; we are accepted, we are forgiven, we are loved. This gift we have from God.
Thanks be to God.
Prayer of Illumination
Scripture Reading Romans 1:8-17
Communion Meditation “Sharing the Good News” Rev. Dr. Stan Wood
Sacrament of Holy Communion
Invitation to the Table
Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
God be with you.
And also with you.
Lift up your hearts.
We lift up our hearts to God.
Let us give thanks to the Holy One.
It is right and fitting to give God thanks and praise.
We give all glory and honor to you, gracious God. Blessed are you, strong and faithful God. All your works, the height and depth, echo the silent music of your praise. In the beginning your Word summoned light, night withdrew and creation dawned. As ages passed unseen, waters gathered on the face of the earth and life appeared.
When the times at last had ripened and the earth grown full in abundance, you created in your image man and woman, the stewards of all creation. You gave us breath and speech that all the living might find a voice to sing your praise and to celebrate the creation you called good. So now, with all the powers of heaven and earth, with angels and archangels and all the company of heaven, we worship and adore your glorious name, evermore praising you and singing:
(Sanctus & Bendictus)
All Holy God, how wonderful is the work of your hands! When sin had scarred the world, you entered into covenant to renew the whole creation. As a mother tenderly gathers her children, as a father joyfully welcomes his own, you embraced a people as your own and filled them with longing for a peace that would last and for a justice that would never fail. Through countless generations your people hungered for the bread of freedom. From them you raised up Jesus, your Son, the living bread, in whom ancient hungers are satisfied. He healed the sick, though he himself would suffer; he offered life to sinners, though death would hunt him down. But with a love stronger than death, he opened wide his arms and surrendered his spirit. Great is the Mystery of Faith:
(Memorial Acclamation)
God, may we surrender to that same spirit that they might have power over us and over these earthly gifts of bread and wine. We pray that they may become the body and blood of Christ, and that we might become one in him. We look to the future in this meal when all peoples will be free, all divisions healed and with your whole creation, we will sing praise through your Son Jesus Christ, who taught this prayer so many years ago, saying:
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for yours is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. Amen
Words Of Institution
*Distribution of elements
*Prayer after Communion
*Charge and Benediction
Participants in Worship:
Rev. Dr. Jana Childers, Liturgist, Co-Celebrant
Mr. Donald Hammond, Liturgist
Dr. Daniel Hoggatt, Musician
Communion Servers
Mr. Peter Barnes-Davies, Senior
Mr. Aric Clark, Chaplain’s Assistant
Mr. Scott Clark, Chaplain’s Assistant
Ms. Alison Hendley, Intern
Ms. Kitty Lum, Chaplain’s Assistant
Mr. Joshua Dunham, Chaplain’s Assistant
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