Friday, September 22, 2006

Mission Trip to New Orleans

Hi Everyone,
Those of you who were in chapel yesterday (9/21) heard
Charles' impassioned plea for us to pray about going
to the areas affected by Katrina, and still so
desperately in need of help. I led a team to
Mississippi last October during reading week, and
Charles led a second SFTS team during the January
intersession. I went back this summer, and was shocked
at how little had been done, and the huge task that is
still facing us all.
I will be in New Orleans from next Friday until just
before Christmas, and would like to invite all of you
to come and visit and be part of ongoing volunteer
teams. I am willing to lead a team during reading week
in October, so if you have not yet made plans, please
consider this. Even if only two or three come, much
can be achieved.
The cost for each volunteer is estimated at around
$600. If you came during reading week, you would be
under the United Methodist Volunteer in Mission
program, and they have scholarships available to cover
up to half the cost, and many local churches are also
willing to help send people from their congregations.
Some professors are willing to extend deadlines if you
have papers due right after reading week too!
I have attached a of pictures from my trip, of
Blanche, the 94 year old lady whose house we worked on
in New Orleans. Seeing the change in the people we
helped is a true blessing. They move from despair to
being able to look to the future and imagine their
lives being rebuilt alongside their houses.
Please take this opportunity into your prayer life
and listen to God's calling for you.
You can contact me on this e-mail, or call my cell
415 847 1034. I will be around campus for the next
week too.
Blessings on your discernment,


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